Environmental scanning and change-driver identification projects:
Foresight Alliance has been the primary foresight partner for ASAE Foundation's ForesightWorks project since 2016, conducting an ongoing environmental scan and creating over 50 change driver topic briefs. ForesightWorks is a core initiative in building a culture of foresight within ASAE and ASAE's 48,000 members, which represent over 7,400 organizations.

ASIS International
FA performed an environmental scan and developed six change drivers related to the security industry for ASIS International. ASIS turned the content of the change drivers into short-form videos on each topic for their membership.
American Chemical Society (ACS)
FA performed an environmental scan and developed six Change Drivers related to the security industry for the American Chemical Society. ACS turned the content of the Change Drivers into short-form videos on each topic for their membership.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
FA performed an environmental scan to support public communications for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). FA researched examples, identified new technology use cases, and synthesized research findings into broad technology innovation themes that could be used by IEEE staff for presentations.

Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation (ELFF)
FA performed an environmental scan and identified key drivers of change for the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation (ELFF). The results were used as content for an FA-led workshop tasked with developing organizational strategies.

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
For the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Foresight Alliance undertook an environmental scan exploring the full array of forces impacting pharmacology. The findings were used to identify eight drivers of change that are shaping the future of the field.
Broad foresight projects:

National Restaurant Association
Foresight Alliance was asked by the National Restaurant Association to discover future disruptors for the food industry for their Food 2030 trends reports. The disruptors were developed into 10 different "wildcard" futures with direct impacts on the restaurant and food sectors. A copy of the study (with FA content on pp. 32-42) is available here.

Rockefeller Foundation
Foresight Alliance completed an extensive, 18-month study on the global future of work for the Rockefeller Foundation. The project combined extensive expert interviews, literature reviews, and environmental scanning to map out the primary scenarios for the future of work.

US Grains Council
For the US Grains Council, we worked closely with a leading quantitative-analysis firm to develop Food 2040, a major report on possible futures for food and agriculture in East Asia. The extensive environmental scan for this report included input from more than 80 scholars and leaders in the field via one-on-one interviews, online panels, and a Delphi survey.