The Foresight Maturity Model

Foresight is a powerful tool that helps organizations operate more effectively in today’s environment of rapid, highly complex, often unanticipated change. In the face of so much uncertainty, organizations with robust internal foresight capacities can feel far more confident in answering crucial questions.

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What is

The future is not known—that much is clear from any objective evaluation of predictions made by experts, who are often proven wrong. But the future is not completely unknown either. It is more accurate to say that there is more than one possible future, and some futures are more plausible than others.

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The Foresight Maturity Model Survey

For organizations with a strong foresight culture to those just beginning to explore the possibilities, the FMM Survey provides a baseline for understanding where an organization’s current foresight capabilities lie on a universal scale, and helps pinpoint where your improvement efforts can be most effectively targeted.

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The Foresight Maturity Model Workshop

The Foresight Maturity Model Workshop provides a one-day, hands-on orientation to the model. It covers: disciplines, practices, skills for effective foresight, tools to assess your organization’s foresight capabilities, strategies to move from insight to action.

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