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Five Interesting Things: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. Steve Waldman hypothesizes that the moribund economies of World 1 have fallen prey to a technology-driven resource curse. Elite access to finance capital and technology is becoming increasingly monopolized, impeding the re-distribution of economic resources to non-elites. According to Packaging World, waste-to-energy…

5 Lego

Five Interesting Things: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. Nest’s smart thermostats are rolling out new peak-load management capabilities, enabling the company to offer participants cash discounts if they enable their thermostats to manage their electricity and A/C consumption during heavy load periods. Demand reduction for participants is always voluntary, and…


Five Interesting Things: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. The goal of the Digital Olfaction Society, which just held its first world congress, is to “digitize, transmit, reproduce and recapture smells, flavors and fragrances.” The Society’s founder imagines a “digiscented” future world in which smells are digitally detected and transmitted.…
