
Five Interesting Things: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. Intel is talking about making personal data economically valuable to individual consumers. The New York Times reports that the High Plains Aquifer that stretches from Wyoming and South Dakota to Texas is drying up as the contents are tapped for irrigated agriculture. Farmers are…


Five Interesting Things: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. The goal of the Digital Olfaction Society, which just held its first world congress, is to “digitize, transmit, reproduce and recapture smells, flavors and fragrances.” The Society’s founder imagines a “digiscented” future world in which smells are digitally detected and transmitted.…


Five at Five: Today’s Scan Hits

Here are five indicators, observations or articles that caught the eye of FA futurists today. India has water scarcity issues that are likely to grow worse, driven in part by agriculture and rising prosperity, this Washington Post article says. Google has identified Austin, Texas as the next city (the third) to get high speed fiber…
